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Almost all women in the world want an ideal and perfect body shape. To look slimmer and sexier, they wear bodysuits. Modern-day bodysuits are paired with skirts or pants as bottoms. Check out these tips on how to choose the best bodysuit for your body.

Tips for Choosing Women's Bodysuit for an Ideal Body Shape Shapellx Collection

Bodysuits are overalls that cover the torso to the crotch. Bodysuits were first introduced by designer Claire McCardell in 1950. The materials used to make bodysuits are elastic for comfort. Call it cotton, spandex, nylon and so on. From the looks of it, bodysuits are very similar to swimwear, floor exercises and dance.

Bodysuits are also widely used as lingerie. It was popular in the 1980s and is gaining popularity in the 2010s. The purpose of choosing a bodysuit is to enhance disproportionate body parts. Choose a bodysuit that accentuates your body's strengths. For example, if you have muscular and solid arms, choose a sleeveless bodysuit. If you have a long neck, choose a low collared model or V-Neck.

Tips for Choosing Women's Shapewear Bodysuits

There are several types of bodysuits: one-piece, two-piece and corset-like. The two-piece type is more widely used because it is easy to wear and take off again. For those who want their breasts to look lifted, this model is suitable.

1. Bra Cups on Bodysuits

With Cups

Choose a bodysuit that comes with bra cups because it's more comfortable to wear. Try on a few sizes until you find the right fit. It's better to choose a bodysuit with straps that will help lift your breasts to make them look firmer.

Without Cups

Choose one that gives a firming effect. Cupless bodysuits can be easily purchased online without worrying about the size. You won't feel tight in the chest because there is no pressure on the area.

2. Check the Crotch for the One-Piece Type

The crotch of a one-piece bodysuit is usually made in such a way that it can be easily removed when going to the toilet. The snap button style is used after the underwear and the open crotch style is used before the underwear. 

3. Shaping Level

There are soft, medium, and hard bodysuit shaping levels. Soft is the most comfortable for the body. Hard has a strong pressure to streamline the body. For those of you who are buying a bodysuit for the first time, it is recommended to choose a bodysuit with a medium level first. If you feel that it doesn't fit well or is loose, you can replace it with a looser soft level or a tighter hard level.

4. Bust and Hips

In online stores, measurements are usually written in the form of bust circumference, waist circumference, and hip circumference. Make sure you check the circumference of these body parts before buying. There are also general sizes such as S, M, L, XL and so on.

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ShapellX Collection

I have bodysuit recommendations from ShappelX Collection. This brand allows women to express their unique style Live Laugh Xpress. It also makes you happy and more confident. Have a look around and check the size that suits you.

There is the Built-In 360⁰ 2 in 1 collection's Slanted V-Neck Mesh top, where outerwear meets inner wear. There is also the Scoop 360⁰ 2 in 1 long sleeve top that can be rotated 360⁰ and many other collections.

AirSlim® Firm Tummy Compression Bodysuit Shaper With Butt Lifter

AirSlim® Firm Tummy Compression Bodysuit Shaper Butt Lifter is made with strong compression fabric to comfortably, yet effectively, shape your body from back, waist to tummy and thighs. This body shaper with butt lifter is special because there are 3 layers of abdominal compression design that strengthens abdominal control. 

The straps are also easy to adjust and remove. It can be worn daily, the zipper crotch is convenient for going to the bathroom. There is an anti-rolling silicon strip and there is no trace of thighs so it is still beautiful to the eye.

Tips for Choosing Women's Bodysuit for an Ideal Body Shape Shapellx Collection
Firm Tummy Compression Bodysuit Shaper with Butt Lifter
Page link: https://www.shapellx.com/products/shapellx-detachable-straps-full-body-shaper-zipper-abdominal-control

Built-In 360° Tank Ruched Shaper Dress

This is a 360⁰ Built-In Ruched Tank Shaper Dress designed to give you an attractive and stylish look, while providing excellent body shape and support. With its ruched design and comfortable fit, you will definitely stand out.

The padding on this shaper dress is removable specifically for cup sizes from A-GG+ so you can replace with larger padding. It is ruched at the front and back. There is also a raised underbust support without underwire and free of closures that can be fitted snugly.

Tips for Choosing Women's Bodysuit for an Ideal Body Shape Shapellx Collection
Mid Support Tank Ruched Shaper Dress 

Page link: https://www.shapellx.com/products/built-in-360-tank-ruched-shaper-dress

PowerConceal™ Full Body Tummy Control Shapewear

With a mid-thigh length, this tummy shaper garment holds your core, shapes and lifts your buttocks and chest, and smooths your upper thighs. Tummy control shapewear Made of sweat-wicking mesh material, it is easy and comfortable to wear all day long, perfectly shaping your curves, while allowing ideal airflow.

These women's shapewear bodysuits shape your tummy and lift your chest and buttocks while smoothing your upper thighs. The mesh material absorbs sweat, easy and comfortable to wear every day. The shoulder straps are adjustable and elastic. Anti-bacterial, ideal airflow can breathe well and environmentally friendly. 

Tips for Choosing Women's Bodysuit for an Ideal Body Shape Shapellx Collection
Full Body Tummy Control Shapewear

Page link: https://www.shapellx.com/products/airslim-full-body-tummy-control-shapewear

One of the main things to consider when choosing a bodysuit is comfort. Since the bodysuit is fitted to your body, you don't want it to be difficult for you to breathe while wearing it. Consider the bodysuit recommendations from ShapellX Collection for an enhanced look.


  1. I am a woman who also wears bodysuits to look slimmer. Moreover, the older I get, the wider my body becomes. I'm glad there are tips for choosing the best bodysuit according to my needs in this article. Thank You

    1. Of course you'll be slimmer and sexier :D You're welcome :)

  2. Duh bodynya bikin iri, tapi banyak orang wanita usia paruh baya yang masih memiliki bodi sebagus itu, kalau punya bodi ideal pakai baju apa aja nyaman, terima kasih mbak atas rekomendasinya jadi tahu bagaimana memilih bodysuit yang tepat dan sesuai bentuk tubuh.

    1. Sama2 mbak. Iya, bisa dipakai tuh bodysuit misal buat kondangan dll.

  3. I hape not bodysuits,hehehe. See they body, make me insecure loh. But, for A long time i ever hape body goals like them, hahahaha

  4. Kalau pemilihannya tepat memang membuat kitanya jadi percaya diri juga ya mbak, apalagi ini memang membuat badan kita jadi lebih oke. Kalau sekarang aku sudah jarang banget pakai bodysuit, kayaknya bisa dihitung jari deh.

    1. Iya, bervariasi jenis dan fungsinya. Silakan dicari sesuai kebutuhan.

  5. full body tummy control shapewear kayaknya cocok buat badanku yang melar parah di bagian perut. pengen banget punya badan kayak sebelum nikah, tapi susah banget yaa kalau sudah jadi emak2 begini hihihi,

  6. wiiii boleh juga nih tipsnyaaa
    apalagi daku juga udah masuk usia cantik.
    soo harus concern juga menjaga bentuk bodi dan kalo bisa penampilan juga kudu ttp paripurna yhaaaa

    1. Betul sekali. Selamat mencobaaaaa bodysuit Shapellx :)

  7. pakai body suit ini memang membantu banget ya dalam memperindah penampilan kita karena bisa membuat tubuh terlihat lebih langsing. tapi tentunya selain pakai bodysuit kita juga harus jaga berat badan biar tetap oke tubuhnya

    1. Betul. Bisa terlihat lebih langsit singset :D

  8. ho, jadi memang ada soft, hard, sama medium ya. Aku penasaran kenapa bisa beda beda, ternyata ya beda fungsi dan tergantung preferensi masing-masing lagi aja. Kalau aku suka yang medium ternyata

  9. Thank you, Mak tips dan rekomendasi bodysuits-nya. Untuk yang Tummy Control Shapewear ini udah pakai inovasi antibacterial, berarti selama pemakaian nggak akan bikin iritasi kan ya, Mak?

    1. Pakai yang anti bakterial lebih aman. Ga iritasi tentunya.

  10. Wuih, bakal makin percaya diri deh kalau saya pakai bodysuit ini, supaya lemak di perut bisa agak kempes...

    1. Yes, Yuk, dipilih mau model apa bodysuit nya :)

  11. Memilih bodysuits juga nggak bisa sembarangan ya mbak, ada tipsnya juga. Jangan sampai pengennya punya tubuh bagus, eh malah badan jadi sakit dan nggak nyaman karena pemakaian bodysuit yang tidak tepat, baik bahan, model maupun ukurannya

    1. Harus disesuaikan dengan fungsinya gacuma dari modelnya aja ya.

  12. Aku sering liat bodysut ini dipakai sama cewek2 barat gtu. Liat di pilem2 sih haha. Kalau di Indonesia yaaa mungkin ada juga yang pakai tapi mungkin masih belum kyk di luar sana :D.
    Ini tuh bagus ya buat dipadupadankan dengan pas kalau kita memakai dress. Bisa membentuk tubuh jadi lebih indah :D
    BTW terima kasih tipsnya mbak Nurul :D

    1. aku malah ga ngeh kalau di balik mini dress gitu ada body suitnya. Ku hanya tahu korset. Pantesan kok bagus yah, membentuk gitu lho ternyata memang OK pakai body suit.

    2. Kalau di kita kebanyakan orang zaman dulu habis melahirkan pakai kain khusus ya supaya perut langsing kembali ga bergelambir :D

    3. Iya, Helena. Makin kekinian model bodysuit zaman now ya.

  13. beneran deh kalo pake bodysuit kayak gini buat olahraga tuh makin semangat buat ng-shape badan kita

  14. Seneng yaa... perempuan kalau punya tumbuh ideal yang indah. Dan sekarang bisa didapatkan dengan bodysuit terbaik.

  15. huwooo sepertinya aku butuh juga ini mba Nurul, habis lahiran perut belum balik ke semula wkwkkw jadi kalau ada ini bisa jadi penolong ya.

  16. Biasanya kalau kita sih mungkin dijadikan baju daleman ya mba... terus diluarannya baru pakai blazer gitu... sesuai budaya.. tapi ada bbrp mungkin dipakai untuk baju luaran karena ngikutin bentuk tubuh banget

  17. Pakaian yang nyaman dan bikin badan bagus memang kesukaan para wanita hihi, kayaknya perlu banget punya bodysuit ini,

  18. Body langsung kebentuk nih pake baju dalam begini. Perut buncit jadi sedikit kempes yak. Kalo sering dipake, lama-lama body jadi kencang.

    1. Nah, bisa itu. Cari bodysuit yang sesuai kebutuhan.

  19. Suka banget lihat produk bodysuit karena bisa ngebentuk tubuh. Apalagi buat yang langsing, eh tapi bodysuit ini bisa juga kan buat membentuk tubuh wanita jad ideal.

  20. Wah produk produk bodysuit ini emang kece kece ya mbak
    Bisa membentuk badan jadi ideal ya

    1. Benar sekali. Selamat mencoba bodysuit Shapellx :)

  21. Keren. Thanks sudah sharing kak

  22. duh jadi inget perut bergelambir nih, cocok buat menyambut paksu ya mak, terimakasih tipsnya

  23. Love the tips and reccomendations. I think it is very crucial to choose the fittest outfit to make us looks more ideal and comfy. After all, suitable outfit make us more comfortable and condidence wearing it all day long.


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